Going Green – An Introduction
What does it mean by going green, or to “go green”?
It really depends on who you talk to. A certain number of individuals will feel that going green is about furnishing their homes, offices or buildings with the most natural, non-toxic materials to ensure safe, high-quality indoor air.
Another group might feel that careful consumerism is the way to go green. Purchasing only products made from sustainable and renewable sources, made by manufacturers who practice sustainable development and environmentally-friendly practices.
For a vast majority, “going green” is simply about conservation: efficient use of energy, water and other resources in a concentrated effort to save, preserve and protect our natural environment and natural resources for future generations to come.
To you, most likely (and ideally), going green will be a combination of some or all of the above objectives.
An ideal green economy and future would be one where we have a sustainable economy and society where all energy is derived from renewable, natural sources, and where we create zero carbon emissions. This is very much in contrast to the “black” energy economy we have today which relies primarily on the combustion of fossil fuels which create an economy based on the production and consumption of materials based on carbon-rich materials, which are again mainly fossil fuels: coal and petroleum.
Some may have an idea that going green is only for developed and industrialized nations, or for those with a more affluent lifestyle or consumer behavior.
Some may have the idea that they have to give up urban or city living and move to a rural, remote or isolated area in a bid to rid themselves of their resource-consuming lifestyle.
The truth is, there are multiple ways in which one can make an ordinary house, apartment, office, business or corporation a little bit more green and environmentally-friendly.
The objective of this site is to include as much information as possible on how to make goals of a greener home, business or lifestyle a reality.
The changes we recommend in this site can be made gradually as they seem necessary, or by creating a short list of the most important green objectives you would like to achieve.
We will introduce you to the practice of “thinking green”. This will help you identify what makes some products more green than others, and how minimal changes to your lifestyle and daily habits can greatly benefit the environment.
We will explain provide good detail regarding the primary functions and systems of a green home, a green office, and a green building.
We will present to you several projects, products and ideas that will show you how easy it is for your existing home, office or building to go green and to make a difference.
The Principles of Going Green
The Going Green initiative form the perspective of the home-owner or building and facility operator would encompass a broad range of aspects, from the very basics of building design and construction right up to the sustainable operation and maintenance of a building throughout its existence.
The Going Green initiative also considers initiatives towards the destruction, disposal, recycling and re-engineering of old or used materials that are deemed to be against the principles of Going Green.
The primary objective of all these principles should always be the protection of health and safety and increase of productivity of the persons involved.
For the Green Home or Green Building, the most common basic principles for Going Green are:
Energy Efficiency
- Reducing energy demand and consumption through sustained conservation;
- The use of energy-efficient appliances and self-generated energy;
- Creating an airtight, thermal envelope for buildings and facilities in colder climates.
Water Conservation
- Planning landscapes and gardens that are low-maintenance and drought-tolerant;
- Reducing the wastage of water by using water fixtures with a fixed or controlled flow, and by the use of water-conserving appliances in your home or office.
Smart Materials
- Purchasing products and materials with minimal environmental impact and minimal toxicity
- Purchasing products and materials which are durable and can be recycles from producers who practice sustainable development
High Air Quality
- Ensuring healthy indoor air quality through effective ventilation and the use of non-toxic materials.
Minimal Pollution
- Minimal outdoor environmental by reducing the use of fertilizers, pesticide and environmentally-harmful landscaping equipment and practices.
Natural Systems
- Increasing the utilization of natural resources: the sun, wind, ocean, and plants for purposes of energy generation, lighting, heating, cooling and to increase air quality.